Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: March 1, 2025 - Last updated: March 1, 2025


Editors: Laura L. O'Toole, Jessica Schiffman, and Rosemary Sullivan

Title: Gender Violence

Subtitle: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Place: New York

Publisher: New York University Press

Year: 2020

Edition: Third edition

Pages: 600pp.

ISBN1-13: 9781479843923 (hardcover) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9781479820801 (paperback) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat | ISBN-13: 9781479801817 (ebk.) - Find a Library: Wikipedia, WorldCat

Language: English

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century


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- Laura L. O'Toole, Department of Cultural, Environmental, and Global Studies, Salve Regina University

- Jessica Schiffman:

- Rosemary Sullivan, Social Work Department, Westfield State University

  Preface: Conceptualizing Gender Violence (p. xi)
Laura L. O’Toole, Jessica R. Schiffman and Rosemary Sullivan
Part I: The Roots of Gendered Violence (p. 1)
  Section 1: Historicizing Gender Violence (p. 3)
  María de Jesús Mother of Weeping Rocks (p. 12)
Claudia Castro Luna
  1. Gendered Violence in Small-Scale Societies in the Past (p. 13)
Debra L. Martin and Ryan P. Harrod
  2. Overcoming the Religious and Sexual Legacies of Slavery: An Overview (p. 25)
Bernadette J. Brooten
  3. Theorizing Women’s Oppression (p. 42)
Sharon Smith
  4. Sexual Coercion in American Life (p 51)
Edwin M. Schur
  Section 2: Global Gender Violence: A Template for Exploration (p. 61)
  “Anatomy Lesson” (p. 69)
Cherrie Moraga
  5. The Socio-Cultural Context of Rape: A Cross-Cultural Study (p. 70)
Peggy Reeves Sanday
  6. Sexual Violence as a Weapon during the Guatemalan Genocide (p. 88)
Victoria Sanford, Sofía DUyos Álvarez-Arenas and Kathleen Dill
Part II: Manifestations of Sexual Coercion and Violence (p. 117)
  Section 1: Harassment and Bullying (p. 119)
  “Agoraphobia” (p. 128)
Natasha Sajé
  8. Expanding the Conceptualization of Workplace Violence: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice (p. 130)
Kristin M. Van De Griend and Deanne K. Hilfinger Messias
  9. Everything from “Beautiful” to “Bitch”: Black Women and Street Harassment (p. 144)
Melinda Mills
  10. Gendered Harassment, Abuse, and Violence Online (p. 157)
Bailey Poland
  11. #MeToo Has Done What the Law Could Not (p. 174)
Catherine A. Mackinnon
  Section 2: Rape and Sexual Violations (p. 177)
  “Home” (p. 187)
Warsan Shire
  12. Sexual Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century (p. 190)
Carole J. Sheffield
  13. Lessons Still Being Learned from the “Comfort Women” of World War II (p. 212)
Margaret Stetz
  14. Forty Years after Brownmiller: Prisons for Men, Transgender Inmates, and the Rape of the Feminine (p. 223)
Valerie Jenness and Sarah Fenstermaker
  15. Consent (p. 234)
Linda Martín Alcoff
  Section 3: Intimate Partner Violence (p. 239)
  “To Judge Faolain, Dead Long Enough: A Summons” (p. 247)
Linda McCarriston
  16 Domestic Violence: The Intersection of Gender and Control (p. 249)
Michael P. Johnson
  17 Violence in Intimate Relationships: A Feminist Perspective (p. 261)
Bell Hooks
  19 Intimate Partner Violence Survivors: The Struggles of Undocumented Latina Immigrants (p. 282)
Miriam G. Valdovinos
  Section 4: Children and Gender Violence (p. 295)
  “The Second Photograph” (p. 303)
Margaret Randall
  21. Locating a Secret Problem: Sexual Violence in Elementary and Secondary Schools (p. 314)
Nan D. Stein
  22. Where Are the Children?: Theorizing the Missing Piece in Gendered Sexual Violence (p. 325)
Nancy Whittier
  Section 5: Commodified Bodies: Agency or Violation? (p. 353)
  “The Night Shift” (p. 363)
  24. Pornography and Black Women’s Bodies (p. 364)
Partricia Hill Collins
  25. Pornographic Values: Hierarchy and Hubris (p. 371)
Robert Jensen
  26. Making Sense of Sex Work, Prostitution, and Trafficking—in the Classroom and Beyond (p. 378)
Chrysanthi S. Leon and Corey Shdaimah
  27. Intimate States: Policies and Their Effects on Sex Workers (p. 391)
Anastasia Hudgins
Part III: Toward Nonviolence and Gender Justice (p. 403)
  Section 1: Thinking about Change (p. 405)
  From “Reimagining History” (p. 411)
Marcus Amaker and Marjory Wentworth
  28. Educating for Social Change: Feminist Curriculum and Community Partnerships for Advocacy Training (p. 412)
Jennifer Naccarelli and Susan L. Miller
  29. Preventing Gender Violence, Transforming Human Relations: A Case for Coeducation (p. 420)
Irene Comins Mingol
  30. Queer Organizing, Racial Justice, and the Reframing of Intimate Partner Violence (p. 432)
Elizabeth B. Erbaugh
  31. Revisiting the Impact of the Sex Industry and Prostitution in Europe (p. 443)
Janice G. Raymond
  32. Advances and Limitations of Policing and Human Security for Women: Nicaragua in Comparative Perspective (p. 457)
Shannon Drysdale Walsh
  34. Linguistic Nonviolence and Human Equality (p. 484)
William Gay
  Coypright Acknowledgments (p. 495)
  Bibliography (p. 499)
  About the Editors (p. 569)
  About Contributors (p. 571)
  Index (p. 579)

Description: »An updated edition of the groundbreaking anthology that explores the proliferation of gendered violence
From Harvey Weinstein to Brett Kavanaugh, accusations of gender violence saturate today’s headlines. In this fully revised edition of Gender Violence, Laura L. O’Toole, Jessica R. Schiffman, and Rosemary Sullivan bring together a new, interdisciplinary group of scholars, with up-to-date material on emerging issues like workplace harassment, transgender violence, intersectionality, and the #MeToo movement.
Contributors provide a fresh, informed perspective on gender violence, in all of its various forms. With twenty-nine new contributors, and twelve original essays, the third edition analyzes emerging contemporary issues such as LGBTQ+ violence, sex work, and toxic masculinity« (Source: New York University Press)

Wikipedia: Sex and the law: Sexual violence